Time form 4 dulu...
Malam tu, tanya abah.
Emm, kenapa saya pilih ICT mula-mula??
That's why I chose Biology. Now still, I'm not regretting it. Hahah ^_^
So, apa kaitan minat ngan kerjaya?
Kalau cakap pasal minat, macam-macam saya minat. Drawing, playing instruments, martial arts, writing... But, will they help me in future? I guess nope because I don't have the talent, or well.. guess I don't have the chance to prove myself. Emm, proving just wasting money and time I thought.
Hahah.. Sesetengah orang memberontak dengan pilihan orang lain, sebab diorang betul-betul nak kejar impian dorang. Guess I don't have any dream.
To me, my score is the one that'll plan the future. It's depends on my score, my exam result.
Kalau dapat result teruk, pilihla kos yg sesuai ngan result tu. Begitulah sebaliknya.
K, tu jelah. Sebenarnya, saya benci rojak2 ni. Tak tahu la nape saya tulis camtu. Ish! tak perasan. Kena hati-hati la pas ni. Mintak maaf ye...
K, assalamualaikum.
Abah : Yong pilih Bio jela.. Bidang ICT ni ect ect ect (x ingat dah apa yg abah kata)
Saya : Ok lah..
Masa Form 4 dulu, masuk kelas Sains, 4 Zuhal. Dapat tau yang kelas ni boleh pilih Bio or ICT. Siapa nak Bio, pilihla Bio, sapa nak ICT, go with it. Ada satu borang tu kena tick, dan cikgu bagi masa seminggu.
Bila tengok je pilihan tu, my heart was overwhelmed with joy.. Memang terus tick ICT la kan. Huh, memang tak fikir panjang. Minat.
Malam tu, tanya abah.
Apa yang patut yong pilih?
And that's when the dialogue came out. I don't remember exactly what abah said to me, but it really made me choose Biology instead. Hmm, something like your job in the future...
Yela, konon nak buat istikharah, tak terbuat-buat pulak, hahaha... jadi ikut je lah abah... Abah banyak makan garam...
So, here I am, taking the Science course.
Emm, kenapa saya pilih ICT mula-mula??
Sebab saya minat. Tu je, fullstop
I really love IT, because it made me wanna know more about it. More and more. It made me being curious. Oh well, but interest and love only cannot scheme the future of mine. I have no talent at all (signs).
That's why I chose Biology. Now still, I'm not regretting it. Hahah ^_^
Biology is not so bad... instead I think I like it =)
It's beautiful ~
It's beautiful ~
I enjoy Biology because you'll know somethings that you'll never know if you don't learn one. It's mainly about us, the world we life, the surroundings.. Ahh, how refreshing is that... Subhanallah. ^^ Best!
So, apa kaitan minat ngan kerjaya?
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I don't draw like that aa.. google search.. haha.. |
Abah pernah tanya, yong minat apa?
There is no way I'm gonna tell him about my interests that doesn't have connection with science. I might hurt myself and him. So, silence is the best way.
Apa yang abah cakap, betul. Kita kena fikir apa akan jadi pada masa depan. Lagi satu, kita kena fikir tentang bidang yang boleh buat kita berkhidmat untuk orang lain. Kerja yang sesuai sebagai seorang perempuan, sebagai seorang Muslimah.
Well, I guess that's right. I never thought about it before. I just care about my interest, not the future. But obeying abah is the first thing.
Hahah.. Sesetengah orang memberontak dengan pilihan orang lain, sebab diorang betul-betul nak kejar impian dorang. Guess I don't have any dream.
To me, my score is the one that'll plan the future. It's depends on my score, my exam result.
Kalau dapat result teruk, pilihla kos yg sesuai ngan result tu. Begitulah sebaliknya.
K, tu jelah. Sebenarnya, saya benci rojak2 ni. Tak tahu la nape saya tulis camtu. Ish! tak perasan. Kena hati-hati la pas ni. Mintak maaf ye...
K, assalamualaikum.
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