If this ever happens again... oh, s-weet!

 One day...

Sister : Yong, I want to wear that scarf... Please..
Yong : Nope.
Sister : Ala.. Here, this one match your baju kurung. Please la..
Yong : Nope. It's mine.
Sister : Ummi, this one match with Yong's baju kurung, right, right? ^^
Ummi : A'ah...
Sister : See.. see.. Tukarlah..
Yong : What's in there for me? (smirk)
Sister : Ehhh?
Yong : Then,if you want my scarf, promise me, no laptop until your SPM's finish and... deactivate  your facebook account.
Sister : Hmmphh.. Forget it..

After a while...

Sister : Come on... Nak yang tu..
Yong : Then,make a new deal for me.. (smirk again)
Sister : Emm, ok2. I promise you, I'll never wear those skinny trousers again.
Yong: DONE! Now, it's yours. (Hurray for me!!!)

Yayy!! That was super awesome! If this ever happens again, I'll make another deal out of it..^^
